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Symantec Antivirus Corporate 10.1.7 (32 Bit)

Roles-based administrative accounts at the server group level
Lets you set up roles-based user accounts in the Symantec System Center™. The following roles are available:
* Read-only
* Administrator
* Central Quarantine
* Gateway Security
SSL communications and digital certificates
SSL secures communications between management consoles, servers, and clients. Digital certificates are used to authenticate users and servers before they are allowed to implement configuration changes.
With Symantec Client Security, you now have the following assurances:
* Only authorized users can issue configuration commands.
* Data is transmitted and received between intended entities only.
* Data that is transmitted and received between intended entities is not tampered with or modified.
* Data that is transmitted and received between intended entities is not revealed to unauthorized entities.
Security risk detection and removal
Auto-Protect now detects security risks such as spyware and adware in addition to viruses. Upon detection, security risks are removed, and the modifications that security risks make to computers are reverted.
Tamper Protection
Automatically protects Symantec product processes from being tampered with by unauthorized processes and users.
Quick Scan
Quickly scans common load points that virus and security risks use to infect computers, and common registry keys for references to unwanted malicious files.
Windows Security Center and Windows Firewall configuration
Lets you disable Windows Security Center for Windows® XP with Service Pack 2, and configure antivirus definition alerts. Lets you disable Windows Firewall for Windows Security Center and suppress any messages about the Windows Firewall that are directed to users.
Server Tuning Options
Lets you tune client tracking options from the Symantec System Center, such as client check-in times, the number of clients to process before pausing, and the pause time interval. Also lets you enable support for legacy servers and clients, and tune how virus definitions updates are distributed, such as the number of threads to use, time intervals, and so on.
ClientRemote Install
The NT Remote Install option in the Symantec System Center has been renamed to ClientRemote Install, and now installs Symantec Client Firewall client software in addition to Symantec AntiVirus clients.
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