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It is really unavoidable that we, as a computer users or PC administrators, forget our passwords. If this happens, then that's a great problem! If you're stuck down on this dilemma, then follow this steps to help you solving the issue.

Follow this steps:

1. Restart you computer

2. When booting, press F8 and select "Safe Mode"

3. After getting to the user menu. Click on a user and this time it will not ask you for a password

4. Go to Start>Run and type "CMD" (without the quotes).

5. At command prompt type in "cd C:WindowsSystem32" (without the quotes), I am assuming C is your System/Windows Drive

6. For safety purposes first make a backup of your Logon.Scr file.. You can do this by typing in "Copy to Logon.scr to Logon.bak" (without the quotes)

7. Then type "copy CMD.EXE Logon.scr"(without the quotes)

8. Then type this command, I will assume that you want to set Administrator's password to "MyNewPass" (without the quotes)

9. Now, type this in (I am assuming that you are still in the directory C:WindowsSystem32) , "net user administrator MyNewPass" without the quotes

10. You will get a message saying that it was successful, this means Administrator's new password is "MyNewPass" (without the quotes)

11. Restart the PC and you will login as Administrator (or whatever you chose to reset) with your chosen password.

12. Done!

If you have problems in implementing thi strick, feel free to leave a comment in this post and will try to answer it. Thanks! :)

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